Dear Mr. Tumnus

Lucy follows snowflakes
Watching as they fall
Found her by the lamp post
Standing bright and tall

Asked her for a name
She did the same as you
Took her to the place
Where you hid your face
Inside the pages of a book that never changes
Found her in the night
Been waiting your whole life
To meet the girl
That could change your world

Dear Mr. Tumnus
Have you become this man without a dream?
Shadowed by the queen?
Dear Mr. Tumnus
Have you become this man without a dream?
Is there more than you seen?

Lucy sits and watches Dandelion snore
I think she sees it like it was before
ANd you said it wasn't always this cold
Trapped inside the story not sure how the stories told

But it is always winter
It will never change
We wait for the sun and it never seems to come
But there were better days
Better days than these
Before this darkness that never seems to leave

Dear Mr. Tumnus
Have you become this man without a dream?
Shadowed by the queen?
Dear Mr. Tumnus
Have you become this star for the wrong team?
Or just a pawn between them?

But you traded Lucy
For a moment here
In this prison of a home but I relate to your fear
Maybe she could have saved
Now you'll never know
She could've been the sunrise
That lend you home

Dear Mr. Tumnus
Have you become this ordinary guy
That would give your life
Dear Mr. Tumnus
Did you run from this?
Did you stare it in the face?
Did you take her place?

So ends the story of an ordinary man
Lost all he had to find it in the end
Wasn't it worth it?
Only he can tell
Waited his whole life
Just to finish well (?)

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